Thursday, January 29, 2009

Miley's newest song "Fly on The Wall". I would give thumbs up to her for this song. Its different from "7 Things". But its still good. Enjoy guys! =)

Monday, January 26, 2009

I just think that this pic pretty much says it all.. Don't you think? Haha.. Well, Happy CNY to All of you.. May God bless you all too. Loves =)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Germs & Viruses

Yes ppl, judging by my absence in school. You have already guessed it. Yes.. once again Emelia Cheng Voon Hooi is attacked by germs and viruses. Ever since, 2 days ago? It started with a very bad sore throat, then a slight fever.. fever gone.. but then... HERE COMES THE FLU AND THE COUGH! weeeee~! What a joy... -.-".. And those medications just makes me wanna puke.

I definitely have a BIG red nose like the pic above.. Which is just utterly terrible.. I cant even breathe properly.. And it even effects the way that I talk.. Syaks!
And the worse part was, I tried to sleep last night with a blocked nose.. And then all of a sudden.. *cough cough cough cough* I coughed non-stop til' I could hardly get some sleep. Hmmm... I wonder... IF I die.. I wonder whats the cause of my death?? Maybe it would be like this... "R.I.P. Emelia Cheng Died of Coughing Constantly.. or R.I.P. Emelia Cheng Died of Breathing Difficulty" LOL! No worries ppl, I'm recovering. Just hope that all the coughing and flu-ing will stop before it hits CNY!!! See ya guys soon and HAPPY CNY PEEPS!! =)
*Coughing* Emelia ;)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Does anybody know where to buy eco-friendly make up or anything that can be used in our daily life that is eco-friendly??? Don't get me wrong. I'm not a girl who wears make up. Only on really really important occasions. Like, going to orchestra concerts, weddings or performances. I just really want to go green and help the enviroment. Plus, eco-friendly make up is so much more better than those that use chemical. And it looks really good too(thats what I heard). I'm thinking, even when I buy a car. I'm going to get an eco-friendly car. Hopefully, Malaysia will establish/invent more eco-friendly items/things. Pls let me know if you know any that I ask from above... Thank you=).. Have a nice day guys...!

P.S: No online shopping pls.. I don't have a credit card... What abt my parent's?? They will screw me if I use their's... Lol.. Thanks again!

Emelia =)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Stop Your Rumours

Rumours rumours rumours.. I've done this post before in my 1st blog. I just wanna make it clear to you guys that I have no crush on any guys. Nor do I like or love or have feelings for any guy on earth alright??! Stop trying to be smart and trying to guess who I have feelings for. Coz theres none! Get it?! None... ! N.O.N.E.. Or to make it clearer to you... N.O.B.O.DY!!! Stop spreading rumours everywhere. I'm fed up with all these false statements. Shut ur BIG mouth and mind ur own business... It may be fun to you. But its annoying to me. Freakin' annoying I would add. It may be a joke to you. But its not to me. Try to put yourself in my own shoes for a few days. And see what kind of feelings do you have to live with. Man, I'm just trying to live a single life and to be free from all those unecessary "sitaution" in my youth/life right now. Give me a break from all these man. I'm going to shut the door where all those unecessary feelings would come. I'm going to shut it all out of my life right now.

My heart only belongs to Christ. And only Him. To go straight to the point. If God says that that man is the one for me. Only then I will open the door. So for now, it is closed. Darliinggs... Believe me and trust me. Don't try to keep guessing and don't try to ask me. Coz the answer is already clear from above. Btw, this my blog. So whatever I wanna write on it. Is my choice. Dont leave comments like "yerr... why are you so mean? writing such post in your blog?". Well, again.. its my blog. I'm sure if anyone of you who have a blog. Would understand too right? Anyway, gtg now. See you guys soon!

P.S: I don't care if the person is u or not. Just get the message...
Emelia =)