Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thought Provoking..

Thought Provoking
If you could become famous by a single act, what act would it be?:Errrr... Being silly??
Do you know approximately how long the dashed lines in the road are?:How I know??
If you could choose your birth month, which month would you prefer?:I wouldn't.. coz God chose da date of my birth month.. why would i want to change it??
What is the difference between "going on dates" and "dating"?:Ask your parent's la..
Do you have a tendency to put your significant other before your friends?:I used to..
What type of situations make you nervous?:When i am forced to speak in public..
What is something that has recently made you laugh so hard you cried?:Nothing...??
Do you honestly rank your friends on myspace by their importance to you?:Nope.. that would make me a jerk/bitch...
Do you personally know a person who can write elegantly; who?:Erm...Choy meng.. my ah go..
Spell your crush's name with no vowels.:how am i gonna spell a crush's name while i don't even have 1??
have you ever been purposely hit by someone of the opposite sex?:I donno le.. hmmm...
Can you bend backward into a bridge and touch your toes?:of course not! i'm not a pretzel.. haha!
What is the best (and worst) dare you have ever fallen through with?:To actually do da chicken dance in front of all my classmates when i was in standard 6... =.="
Do you admit to your mistakes?:Yes..
how would you make a difference in the world if nothing could stop you?:Stop patrol money from increasing!!
Have you ever played the "penis game"?:Errr... Lemme see.. my answer would be.. NO! what kind of a sick survey is this?!
Is your best friend single or taken?:Single and NOT available..
Who is one person who could never gain your trust?:The Devil...
What is a secret you knew when you were younger that you thought was HUGE?:God...
Have you ever physically hugged a tree?:Nope.. I am scared that ants would crawl all over me..
When was the last time you ate an M&M?:3 months ago??
Have you told someone you had a crush on them to make them feel better?:Told someone before.. but never make them feel better...
If you could produce your own film, what genre would it be?:A romantic film...
Any particular actors/actresses you would choose for scripting?:James Mcavoy!! Anne Hathaway and Keira Knightley!!
Would you go back in time to relive moments (not change them) if you could?:No.. whats done in da past is gone in da present and in da future.. no use going back right??
If you got a hold of a celebrities phone number, what would you do?:Call all of em to buy me some reallllyyy expensive stuff! Duh! Wahahahaha XD
Do you have to know people before you become a couple?:Of course.. Takkan you want to be with a stranger who you don't know right? What a stupid question..!
How long is your longest relationship?:1 year and 7 months?
How long is your current relationship?:I do not have a crush or someone i like.. how am i gonna have a relationship?? Stupid!
What is your favorite board game?:Hmmm... None.. Board games are boring...(for me la..)
If you could get any plastic surgery for free, what would you alter?:None.. I would exercise to change it and not go under da knife.. Women..! don't be like Pamela Anderson..=P
Do you believe in ghosts?:Nope.. But i do believe that there are demons..
If you had your own show about your life, what would the title be?:The Empowerment from God i guess... or would it be Me myself & I
What holiday would you erase if given the chance?:None.. coz i love holidays!! kekeke
You stumble upon a wallet with loads of cash; name your next move.:To be fake i would bring it and give it to da policeman... To be real.. I would just ignore it.. Better to do nothing than to steal right??
What has been your most painful experience in your life so far?:Knowing that someone cheated on me..( i have a lot more you know... kekekeke)
Do you flirt with people you aren't the least bit attracted to?:No.. that would make me a slut... ewww...!
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?:Erm erm... you'd have to ask my friends abt that...
Who is the last person you tried to impress?:Myself?
Do you use air fresheners; what scent?:I'm sensitive to da smell...
Are you envious toward anyone at the moment?:Erm... Nope..
How do you feel about the person you copied this survey from?:She is a good girl.. Someone who really loves the Lord.. Someone who is smart.. And someone who is really friendly..(thats what i think..)
If you could have any three items in the world, what would they be?:My bible, my piano, my violin..
What talent would you like to posess?:God has given me all da talents that i want in me.. hmmm... if i would.. it has gotta be with studies!
Do you have a hobby that is not known by many people; what would that be?:Dancing around like a monkey... hahaha...
What is the worst thing you have ever said and to whom?:YOU ARE SO FAKE!!- my ex.. YOU MORON!-james.. haha!
Are you currently facing a dilemma?:Erm... i really donno...
Would you ever consider having an open relationship with someone?:ya sure.. in da future.. for now.. no no and no..
What is one thing you have an obsession for?:Music Music Music!
What type of surprises are your favorite?:Birthday suprises??
What two super powers would you choose to have?:The power to heal.. And the power to make money.. muahahaha!
Have you ever been kicked out or banned from Walmart?:nope...
If you could dine with one celebrity once a week for a year, who'd it be?:Donnie Wahlberg from NKOTB!!!
Who is the last person you were in contact with?:Nigel.. My cell member..-talking abt going to SHOUT conference..
Are you supersticious; name a few examples.:Nope... Not at all..
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