Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cuppcakes, YUM!

YEAH!! *clapclapclapclap* xD.. haha! I love cupcakes! They don't just taste yummy but the decos on them are so pretty! Mind you that although I love cupcakes. I only eat them once in a very long time. Too much sweetness isn't good for health and also for my teeth. Haha. Check these yummies OUT! :)

So cute! hahaxP

Nopes.. Its not chickens, eggs and stuff.. but its cupcakes! So nice.... *__*

Look! their so pretty that flowers even grow on them! *sarcasm* :P

Aaaahhh....~ *__*

ELMO is so famous that hes even on the cupcake!! *wanna eat some..* WAIT! How can I eat my Elmo?! *shakes myself*... xD

Elegant, simple and nice:)

Signing out NOW! XOXO

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