Thursday, April 24, 2008

Babies~ =D

Babies babies babies~.. They are just so cute!! You know what ppl.. Every single day.. There will be millions upon millions of babies being born on this planet that we call earth!! So that means, God has been constantly creating new creations.. Which they are obviously beautiful and adorable!! Look at that cute little innocent face...

Awww.... isn't that just so adorable?? I mean.. yeah... some babies grow up and become something else uglier...or maybe something that isn't that innocent... but still.. come on.. thinking back of those baby moments.... It's just so refreshing and............. CUTE!!! hahahah... If i grow up 1 day... I wanna get married and have lots of kids!!! hahaa...(silly me =P) OOOppss... I mean not to the extend of 4-6 children... 2 would be good adi lo.. I mean... need to think about money too right?? I know i know what your thinking about.. I'm just a lame and crazy 16 year old girl right?? Seriously i'm not...!! Ppl tend to think that babies are monsters...(especially guys!) They're not!! You men ARE the MOnsters!! (no offence.. but some of you are seriously monsters!!) Yesss they do cry a lot... But its the way they ask for something!! You don't expect a new born baby to talk right away... and saying..." daddy.. i want poopie!!".. That ain't normal my friend... Your child must have been mutated.. hahaha!! XD... I just LOOOvvvvvvveEEeeeeeeee babies!! I definitely think that they are 1 of God's most beautiful creations... I'm a 100% sure of it... Love em!! hahaha...

This is my favourite pic!! AAAwww... just look at that.. mummy and daddy holding their baby.. so sweet.. Hee.... Okayz... Bye guys!! Hope it changes some of your minds who doesn't like babies!!...Haha!

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