Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Baby

Introducing................................. *drum roll*....................................................................



Isn't she pretty? A lot of people say that her colour is ugly. I gotta admit it myself that her colour IS ugly..(sorry baby) But, she's just a natural. And beautiful whether you like it or not! Heres the story of how I got her. After 4 years of not playing the piano. I decided to give it a try to ask my parent's if I can go back to having piano lessons and to play the piano again. I begged and begged for days and weeks(trust me, its true). Finally they said YES! But I don't have my old piano with me anymore. Coz my parent's sold it away in order to get money to pay for their debts.. Pftt!! So evil..~.. But its okay. So, they asked my piano teacher. Mr.Sebastian Gnai to recommand some very nice pianos from his music school. For your info, my music school sells everything. From merchandises to music books, instruments, materials, stationary and so on. So my teacher did. But the prices were too high. A lot of them are RM10,000++. Coz they are all VERY NEW pianos. Which are most definitely very very nice pianos. My parent's prayed about it and asked God to give me a piano that sounds nice and at a reasonable price and also looks new and nice. A few days later, my parent's saw an ad in the newspaper saying that there are pianos for sale in Summit shopping mall. So my parent's went to see it and found a very nice piano there that cost at RM6000++. But the guy who was selling it, was willing to give my parent's discounts. So when I bought it, it cost about RM4000++. Oh ya, not forgetting that its a second hand piano. I really don't mind as long as I have a piano of my own. I just really thank God that He has answered my parent's prayer and mine as well. Without Him, I wouldn't even have the chance to play piano now. Thank you Lord. Thank You so so much! =). You have really given me a beautiful gift! I will appreciate it very very much. Love You Lord!

Signing off!

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