Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jesus Christ said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man can come unto the Father but by Me." Amen!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Random Survey

Extremely random

What is your least favorite color?: i'd have to say orange

Favorite amusement park ride?: none.. i hate all da fast things.. freaks me out

What song do you want to be played at your funeral?: Healer by Hillsong

With your cable, which channel is comedy central on?: channel 711

How many hours a day do you spend on the internet?: 1 hour plus

Currently, what is your favorite movie?: ermerm... The Chronicles of Narnia : Prince

What is your favorite quote ever?: " you can have all da technology and knowledge in
this world.. But wisdom comes from God" by Dr. Ben Carson

How long do you take to shower?: 30 mins

Are you currently listening to anything?: nope.. just doing this random survey

In the past hour, have you chewed gum?: yupyup

If you could talk to anyone right now, who would it be?: my mum?

What is your favorite television show?: cartoons cartoons!! hahaha!! channel E is good too..

If you could meet any movie/television show character, who would it be?: James Mcavoy!!!!

Have you ever been temped to break the law?: Yup... only school rules la.. been there done there... don't ever wanna feel that guilt anymore

What are you most excited for?: God! Music!

What is your full name spelt backwards?: Hooi Voon Cheng Emelia

Have your ever had a paranormal experience? If so, what?: Nope... not paranormal.. but a miracle

Do you enjoy horror films?: Nope.. not at all.. they make me poop all night long.. hey! DON'T LAUGH!

What's your favorite quote from any movie?: I don't really notice...

Who is your best friend?: Jesus...

Have you ever wanted to have a pet tiger?: well.. to be honest.. i did..

What do you think of Rock & roll?: Not bad.. kinda noisy though..

'Do not pass go! Do not collect $200 dollars!': Har??!

Do you have any idea what I just said?: ................... *crickets singing their own symphony*

Have you ever bought something that you didn't need?: Nope..

Can you say the alphabet backwards with no mistakes?: erm.. lemme see...nO I CAN'T!!

What is your least favorite television show?: Gossip girl i suppose.. too bitchy and dramatic in some ways.. but i like da clothes.. hahaha!

Do you enjoy starbucks?: to be honest...i've never been to starbucks before..

Have you ever counted to infinity?: nope nope nope..

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Hillsong Live - Healer (This Is Our God)

This song is abt 1 of the members from hillsong united.. His name was Mike something.. So sorry i couldn't recall.. He was a man who was crazy abt God.. He loves God so much... Recently.. 2 years ago.. he was diagnosed with cancer.. He wrote this song "Healer".. It is a very powerful song... He is still alive today.. battling da sickness... And God is battling it with Him.. Da sentence that He wrote in this song..." I trust in You".. is so powerful.. Trust in God.. Coz He will never let you down.. But remember.. God's plans for us.. Are always beyond our understanding... Listen to what He says at the Beginning of da Video!Listen to da lyrics of da song.. Da msg is so clear! its so powerful! Everytime I listen to this song.. It keeps me alive knowing that my God is with me! Right now.. MIKE IS A TESTIMONY TO ALL OF US!! " By His STRIPES... WE ARE HEALED!!" Amen!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Your Personality Is

Idealist (NF)

You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
Hmm... not to say that i'm perasan or anything... thats true.. kekeke
You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.
Maybe gua...
You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
Thats kinda true.. but not everybody..
Your heart tends to rule you.
Yup Yup... 100% true
You can't make decisions without considering feelings.
You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
That doesn't sound right...
Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.
Double duh!
In love, you give everything you have to relationships.
100% true..
You fall in love easily.
wow... how do they know??? well.. i'm changing... haha!
At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.
Of course la!
With others, you communicate well.
Yup yup yup...
You can spend all night talking with someone.
Yeah true.. but it depends on what we're talking abt la...
As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.
Kind of... i'm just a simple top and jeans kinda girl..
On weekends, you like to be with others.
Not a 100% true.. sometimes i like being alone...
Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.
I've never even done charity work at all.. but yea.. it'll be cool..

This blue is part of the personality thing
This blue is my comment..


Michelle Branch - Breathe

I just love this song by michelle branch.. Its definitely a song bout relationships.. And i think that its a beautiful song.. hope to see her next song coming out..*winks*

I've been driving for an hour
Just talking to the rain
You say I've been driving you crazy
and its keeping you away
So just give me one good reason
Tell me why I should stay
'Cause I dont wanna waste another moment
in saying things we never meant to say

And I Take it just a little bit
I, hold my breath and count to ten
I, I've been waiting for a chance to let you in

If I just breathe
Let it fill the space in between
I'll know everything is alright
Every little piece of me
You'll see
Everything is alright
If I just breathe

Well it's all so overrated
In not saying how you feel
So you end up watching chances fade
And wondering what's real

And I Give you just a little time
I, Wonder if you realize
I've been waiting till I see it in your eyes

If I just breathe
Let it fill the space between
I'll know everything is alright
Every little piece of me
You'll see
Everything is alright
If I just breathe

So I whisper in the dark,
Hoping you hear me
Do you hear me?

If I just breathe
Let it fill the space between
I'll know everything is alright
Every little piece of me
You'll see
Everything is alright
Everything is alright if i just breathe... breathe

I've been driving for an hour
Just talking to the rain

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jascha Heifetz plays Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto: 1st mov.

amazing.. a cute piece.. and also beautiful.. Jascha plays it well..=)

Hillsong - I'm Not Ashamed

This goes to show that not only those outside or should i say non christian songs are nice... But christian songs are great too!! Coz its God's music!!! wooohooo!!! I'M NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL!! AND NOT ASHAMED ABT MY GOD AS WELL!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Step by Step - New Kids on the Block

I love this song by NKOTB!! Even though its old.. But i'm sure that its a hit on the early 90's! Look at da way they move man!! wooohoo!

God Of Wonders

God is great... He is not only a great God.. But he is da ONE and ONLY God! This song is just so beautiful.. It really represents the world that God has created.. How beautiful da world is.. I love You Lord!!

Potters's Hand

Truly Lord, i am nothing without You.. I can't even live 1 second of my life without You Father.. take me mould me.. use me fill me.. i give my life to the Potter's hand.. call me guide me lead me walk beside me.. I trust and faith in You Heavenly Father...!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thought Provoking..

Thought Provoking
If you could become famous by a single act, what act would it be?:Errrr... Being silly??
Do you know approximately how long the dashed lines in the road are?:How I know??
If you could choose your birth month, which month would you prefer?:I wouldn't.. coz God chose da date of my birth month.. why would i want to change it??
What is the difference between "going on dates" and "dating"?:Ask your parent's la..
Do you have a tendency to put your significant other before your friends?:I used to..
What type of situations make you nervous?:When i am forced to speak in public..
What is something that has recently made you laugh so hard you cried?:Nothing...??
Do you honestly rank your friends on myspace by their importance to you?:Nope.. that would make me a jerk/bitch...
Do you personally know a person who can write elegantly; who?:Erm...Choy meng.. my ah go..
Spell your crush's name with no vowels.:how am i gonna spell a crush's name while i don't even have 1??
have you ever been purposely hit by someone of the opposite sex?:I donno le.. hmmm...
Can you bend backward into a bridge and touch your toes?:of course not! i'm not a pretzel.. haha!
What is the best (and worst) dare you have ever fallen through with?:To actually do da chicken dance in front of all my classmates when i was in standard 6... =.="
Do you admit to your mistakes?:Yes..
how would you make a difference in the world if nothing could stop you?:Stop patrol money from increasing!!
Have you ever played the "penis game"?:Errr... Lemme see.. my answer would be.. NO! what kind of a sick survey is this?!
Is your best friend single or taken?:Single and NOT available..
Who is one person who could never gain your trust?:The Devil...
What is a secret you knew when you were younger that you thought was HUGE?:God...
Have you ever physically hugged a tree?:Nope.. I am scared that ants would crawl all over me..
When was the last time you ate an M&M?:3 months ago??
Have you told someone you had a crush on them to make them feel better?:Told someone before.. but never make them feel better...
If you could produce your own film, what genre would it be?:A romantic film...
Any particular actors/actresses you would choose for scripting?:James Mcavoy!! Anne Hathaway and Keira Knightley!!
Would you go back in time to relive moments (not change them) if you could?:No.. whats done in da past is gone in da present and in da future.. no use going back right??
If you got a hold of a celebrities phone number, what would you do?:Call all of em to buy me some reallllyyy expensive stuff! Duh! Wahahahaha XD
Do you have to know people before you become a couple?:Of course.. Takkan you want to be with a stranger who you don't know right? What a stupid question..!
How long is your longest relationship?:1 year and 7 months?
How long is your current relationship?:I do not have a crush or someone i like.. how am i gonna have a relationship?? Stupid!
What is your favorite board game?:Hmmm... None.. Board games are boring...(for me la..)
If you could get any plastic surgery for free, what would you alter?:None.. I would exercise to change it and not go under da knife.. Women..! don't be like Pamela Anderson..=P
Do you believe in ghosts?:Nope.. But i do believe that there are demons..
If you had your own show about your life, what would the title be?:The Empowerment from God i guess... or would it be Me myself & I
What holiday would you erase if given the chance?:None.. coz i love holidays!! kekeke
You stumble upon a wallet with loads of cash; name your next move.:To be fake i would bring it and give it to da policeman... To be real.. I would just ignore it.. Better to do nothing than to steal right??
What has been your most painful experience in your life so far?:Knowing that someone cheated on me..( i have a lot more you know... kekekeke)
Do you flirt with people you aren't the least bit attracted to?:No.. that would make me a slut... ewww...!
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?:Erm erm... you'd have to ask my friends abt that...
Who is the last person you tried to impress?:Myself?
Do you use air fresheners; what scent?:I'm sensitive to da smell...
Are you envious toward anyone at the moment?:Erm... Nope..
How do you feel about the person you copied this survey from?:She is a good girl.. Someone who really loves the Lord.. Someone who is smart.. And someone who is really friendly..(thats what i think..)
If you could have any three items in the world, what would they be?:My bible, my piano, my violin..
What talent would you like to posess?:God has given me all da talents that i want in me.. hmmm... if i would.. it has gotta be with studies!
Do you have a hobby that is not known by many people; what would that be?:Dancing around like a monkey... hahaha...
What is the worst thing you have ever said and to whom?:YOU ARE SO FAKE!!- my ex.. YOU MORON!-james.. haha!
Are you currently facing a dilemma?:Erm... i really donno...
Would you ever consider having an open relationship with someone?:ya sure.. in da future.. for now.. no no and no..
What is one thing you have an obsession for?:Music Music Music!
What type of surprises are your favorite?:Birthday suprises??
What two super powers would you choose to have?:The power to heal.. And the power to make money.. muahahaha!
Have you ever been kicked out or banned from Walmart?:nope...
If you could dine with one celebrity once a week for a year, who'd it be?:Donnie Wahlberg from NKOTB!!!
Who is the last person you were in contact with?:Nigel.. My cell member..-talking abt going to SHOUT conference..
Are you supersticious; name a few examples.:Nope... Not at all..
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Friday, July 4, 2008

New Kids On the Block - Summertime - Full Music Video HQ


The NOW New Kids On the Block!.. Yes true the group broken up for abt 18 years ever since 1990 i think?? But what the heck!Their back! Even though their kinda old.. Their still hot!!!!! AHHHH!!! Seriously they are still cute and they still can move(and of course sing)! And da song rocks!! And do you guys know that Donnie Walhberg is Mark Walhberg's older brother!!(mark walhberg is sooo HOT!) I know its disgusting to call older man hot. But hey.. I bet your mama's will agree with me!! kekeke.. Backstreetboys.. (or any other boybands..) YOUR OUT! haha!

You got it (the right stuff) - New Kids On the Block

This was New Kids On the Block during da 80's.. They were the IT boyband that time.. Hmmm.. I could see why through this video.. haha!! Check it out!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Coming Soon..

Should have updated on something abt 3 months ago.. But was really really lazy to do so.. Anyway, I will be uploading my cell pics soon!! So WATCH OUT PPL!!