Sunday, July 20, 2008

Random Survey

Extremely random

What is your least favorite color?: i'd have to say orange

Favorite amusement park ride?: none.. i hate all da fast things.. freaks me out

What song do you want to be played at your funeral?: Healer by Hillsong

With your cable, which channel is comedy central on?: channel 711

How many hours a day do you spend on the internet?: 1 hour plus

Currently, what is your favorite movie?: ermerm... The Chronicles of Narnia : Prince

What is your favorite quote ever?: " you can have all da technology and knowledge in
this world.. But wisdom comes from God" by Dr. Ben Carson

How long do you take to shower?: 30 mins

Are you currently listening to anything?: nope.. just doing this random survey

In the past hour, have you chewed gum?: yupyup

If you could talk to anyone right now, who would it be?: my mum?

What is your favorite television show?: cartoons cartoons!! hahaha!! channel E is good too..

If you could meet any movie/television show character, who would it be?: James Mcavoy!!!!

Have you ever been temped to break the law?: Yup... only school rules la.. been there done there... don't ever wanna feel that guilt anymore

What are you most excited for?: God! Music!

What is your full name spelt backwards?: Hooi Voon Cheng Emelia

Have your ever had a paranormal experience? If so, what?: Nope... not paranormal.. but a miracle

Do you enjoy horror films?: Nope.. not at all.. they make me poop all night long.. hey! DON'T LAUGH!

What's your favorite quote from any movie?: I don't really notice...

Who is your best friend?: Jesus...

Have you ever wanted to have a pet tiger?: well.. to be honest.. i did..

What do you think of Rock & roll?: Not bad.. kinda noisy though..

'Do not pass go! Do not collect $200 dollars!': Har??!

Do you have any idea what I just said?: ................... *crickets singing their own symphony*

Have you ever bought something that you didn't need?: Nope..

Can you say the alphabet backwards with no mistakes?: erm.. lemme see...nO I CAN'T!!

What is your least favorite television show?: Gossip girl i suppose.. too bitchy and dramatic in some ways.. but i like da clothes.. hahaha!

Do you enjoy starbucks?: to be honest...i've never been to starbucks before..

Have you ever counted to infinity?: nope nope nope..

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Brought to you by Bzoink

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