Okay, heres the thing. My aunt held this birthday bash party for her eldest son, her husband and her youngest daughter. It was around 28th of January. Its not that their b'days are on the same day. The thing is, their b'days are connected.My cousin bro's is 29th of January, my cousin sister's is 2nd of Febuary and my uncle's is 1st of Febuary. Isn't that cool or what?? hahaha... Anyway, their hse was really really huge!! And i mean REEAAlllyyy Huge!!! They've got a pool and a little playground for the kids. Well, the thing is.. when arrived at the party. There is this friend of my mum and my aunt. They were like talking and talking.And i was sitting beside my mum. Then all the sudden. This stupid question came out from that woman's mouth. Look down...
Aunt and mum:*laughing during the conversation*(who knows what their talking about)
Woman: Hey! is that girl sitting beside ah yean your sister??(the girl was me..and she was asking my aunt that question)
Aunt: You mean who??
Woman: The one sitting beside ah yean la..(btw they call my mum ah yean)
Aunt: No la, that 1 is ah yean's daughter
Me: *in my mind thinking*(WHat on earth are you talking about??!!! do i look old to you??!!)
Woman: Really meh??
Mum: No ar.. my sister ar...hahahaha
Aunt, mum and woman:*laugh all day long*
Me: Swt swt swt swt....*lost of words*
Well, i guess i have my dad's genes more than my mum's( thats becoz my aunt is my dad's youngest sister) so, a lot of ppl think that we look like sisters. Haha!! Don't laugh...-.-...its not funny you know... enough of these crappings... gtg now....BYez!!!!
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Do not believe in what other bad things that ppl say about you, Coz you know that your nothing like what they say you are....
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
Homework... homework...homework....
As you all know. I'm in form 4 now. Which is quite hard to believe you know. The years pass so fast. I wish i'm in form 1 again. But experiencing new things are good too. At least i get to grow up a lil' bit. Anyway, lately I've been experiencing lots and lots of homework. Thanks to my "oh so kind" teachers. My homeworks are piling up like mountains to mountains. Added with my tuition homework. I'm TOAST!! AHHHH!!!... But its cool you know. I get to have a taste of hardwork. I've never really studied that crazy before. Even during pmr also i never really study that hard. Let me explain what i mean. Before i came to form 4. I get to sit hours and hours after i get home from school. Right now, its like.. after school.. I have to faster bath and eat..(sometimes i even forgot to eat my lunch) and then rest for 30mins... gtg my butts off and go for tuition..( btw my tuitions last for 3 hours) after tuition.Have to rush home and eat dinner... bla bla bla bla..and you know what?? Heeeerreee comes homework!! I sound like as if I've got no time to rest. Of course I do. In my dreams!!! Hahaha.... But, its alright.. It's kinda like grown ups do. They never rest. And the only time they rest is sleep time?? haha.... I mean its just life. You just gotta suck it up and get on with it. So friends, don't you dare think that your the only 1 who's tired.. Think of your parent's.. Their a 100 times more tired than you do.... Be thoughtful and think strong...!! =D
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Lovers of the Heart~
This article was an email which my friend send to me. It was suppose to be a chain letter(heck i hate chain letters..) but erm.. i made it into an article instead of a chain letter in my blog. So, enjoy and read it with a fluttering heart..(i sound so Lame~ -.-)
Article 1
Statement of Love
The Kiss
1.Kiss on the hand- I adore you
2.Kiss on the cheek- I just want to be friends
3.Kiss on the neck- I want you
4.Kiss on the lips- I love you
5.Kiss on the ears- I am just playing
6.Kiss anywhere else- Let's not get carried away
7.Look in your eyes- Kiss me
8.Playing with your hair- I can't live without you
9.Hand on your waist- I love you too much to let you go
Article 2
The Three Steps
1.Girls- If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him
2.Guys- If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good
3.Guys & Girls- Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare
Article 3
The Commandments
1.Thou shall not squeeze too hard( ok..this 1 sounds very wrong..=.=")
2.Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one
3.Thou shall kiss at every opportunity
Here are a few reasons why guys like girls:
1.They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
2.The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder
3.How cute they look when they sleep
4.The ease in which they fit into our arms
5.The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world
6.How cute they are when they eat (are you sure?? haha!)
7.The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while
8.Because they are always warm even when its minus 30 outside
9.The way they look good no matter what they wear
10.The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth
11.How cute they are when they argue
12.The way her hand always finds yours
13.The way they smile
14.The way you feel when you see their name on the call ID after you just had a big fight
15.The way she says 'lets not fight anymore' even though you know that an hour later....
16.The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
17.The way they kiss you when you say 'I love you'
18.Actually .... just the way they kiss you...
19.The way they fall into your arms when they cry
20.Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
21.The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
22.Then the way they apologize when it does hurt. (even though we don't admit it)!
23.The way they say 'I miss you'
24.The way you miss them
25.The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore..... Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them ... it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart. We love them for a million reasons, No paper would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart. A feeling. Only felt.
P.S: Okay.. i know this article or this email that i receive from my friend sounds very tacky.. and lame and all..I'm not even sure rather of all the above is right or not. But it sure is fun to read..Don't you guys think so?? haha!well... Just enjoy reading it my friends..hahaha...
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
Article 1
Statement of Love
The Kiss
1.Kiss on the hand- I adore you
2.Kiss on the cheek- I just want to be friends
3.Kiss on the neck- I want you
4.Kiss on the lips- I love you
5.Kiss on the ears- I am just playing
6.Kiss anywhere else- Let's not get carried away
7.Look in your eyes- Kiss me
8.Playing with your hair- I can't live without you
9.Hand on your waist- I love you too much to let you go
Article 2
The Three Steps
1.Girls- If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him
2.Guys- If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good
3.Guys & Girls- Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare
Article 3
The Commandments
1.Thou shall not squeeze too hard( ok..this 1 sounds very wrong..=.=")
2.Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one
3.Thou shall kiss at every opportunity
Here are a few reasons why guys like girls:
1.They will always smell good even if its just shampoo
2.The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder
3.How cute they look when they sleep
4.The ease in which they fit into our arms
5.The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world
6.How cute they are when they eat (are you sure?? haha!)
7.The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while
8.Because they are always warm even when its minus 30 outside
9.The way they look good no matter what they wear
10.The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth
11.How cute they are when they argue
12.The way her hand always finds yours
13.The way they smile
14.The way you feel when you see their name on the call ID after you just had a big fight
15.The way she says 'lets not fight anymore' even though you know that an hour later....
16.The way they kiss when you do something nice for them
17.The way they kiss you when you say 'I love you'
18.Actually .... just the way they kiss you...
19.The way they fall into your arms when they cry
20.Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly
21.The way they hit you and expect it to hurt
22.Then the way they apologize when it does hurt. (even though we don't admit it)!
23.The way they say 'I miss you'
24.The way you miss them
25.The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore..... Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them ... it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart. We love them for a million reasons, No paper would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart. A feeling. Only felt.
P.S: Okay.. i know this article or this email that i receive from my friend sounds very tacky.. and lame and all..I'm not even sure rather of all the above is right or not. But it sure is fun to read..Don't you guys think so?? haha!well... Just enjoy reading it my friends..hahaha...
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Flashbacks from the Past...(A Testimony)
I remember when i was a little girl. I never liked going to school. Coz school to me is a really unfriendly and a scary place. And everytime when my mum sends me to school. I would end up going home for the next few hours, becoz i kept crying and kept holding on to her legs until she gave up. Haha! Hey i'm not ashamed of it you know. Coz thats who I am and who I used to be. Theres nothing for me to be ashamed of. Dare to do it dare to face it. And er.. I remember that last time when i was like 9-12 years old. I was known to be an abusive sister to my brothers. Know why?? Coz everytime they make a single mistake. I would slap them and beat them, until sometimes their faces or even hands or legs get all the bums and blue blacks. Trust me. I was really scary at that time. And my parent's would always scold me like "why you beat your brothers until like that??!!! Cannot like that 1!! If i beat you like that you want or not??!!" my answer to them was always like this "you say if they noty must teach them ma...somemore.. you all always beat me 1 if i noty.." and you know whats their reaction?? they got stunned and kept quiet and just leave me alone for a while. Which is always a really funny thing to me when i was a little girl. And theres this 1 time when my bro(romeo), he was beaten by me until he's face almost got beaten so badly until a little bit of blood came out. And at times when i got so abusive. I would seriously choke them you know. I'm serious. It happened before. You can ask my brothers if you want to. Call me a bad sister or whatsoever. I don't mind. Coz i AM a bad sister( when i was really young of course). But, i'm ok now. I learn how to teach them in a professional way. And not in a caning and beating way. Wanna know why do i always think that teaching means beating when i was so much younger?? Thats becoz when my parent's always say that their gonna teach me a lesson or something. They always end up caning me until i bleed or something like that. No no..i don't blame my parent's. Their good. Their just asking me to obey them by caning. I bet everyone of you experienced it before.Haha! Sure it hurts.. and i mean a lot!! But its fine, at least i know a bit of what are the consequences that you have to face by not obeying your parent's.Hahaha.. And er..i always do the most stupiest and the silliest things last year and also when i was 14. I always tend to crack or twist my hands, legs, knees and ankles.When i was 14 and 15. I got hurt a lot by my family members friends etc etc. A lot of things were going on in family in those few years. And erm...as a young girl i was really foolish. I thought that the feeling that i feel deeply crushed and hurt in my heart. Can be replaced by hurting myself physicly. (For your information, i was born with very very low calcium. So i tend to get injuries very easily) So, i start to play badminton a lot and a lot. And being clumsy a lot. And pushing myself to do those activities too hard til its over my limits. And guess what?? I twisted my elbow my ankle my legs. Yeah.. what a stupid girl right?? But then, i know that. What i feel inside can't be replaced. Even if i break my head or whatsoever. The pain in my heart still can't be compared by any injuries. I knew that all along. And i knew what i was doing. I guess i was just trying to be stubborn or things like that. But now, i'm a more grown person. I'm stronger than before. And i believe that with God. I can reach through all my limits in life. I can do anything through Christ. I just gotta believe, have faith and be strong. When you feel lonely, weak, useless or retarded. And when you've got no1 to turn to. You can always turn to somebody. You can't see Him. You won't even know him. But He's always with you. And He knows you. And He is God. Like the song says.." He knows my name.. He knows my every thought.. He sees each tear that falls.. And hears me when i call.." I hope that erm.. This testimony has really helped you guys a lot. Theres more for me to say.. But i'll stop here 1st.. BYEZ......XOXO!
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Honeymoon Year????
What is the thing with this honeymoon year ar?? I really freakin' don't understand lo.. I didn't thought of it until the teachers mention about it..every teacher that comes into my class, sure will say "tahun ini bukan tahun bulanmadu tau??" or in english "this year is not a honeymoon year you know" i mean its like. Do you need to keep repeating and repeating the same thing. I'm seriously telling you that I never thought of the word "honeymoon year" before. It never even occurs to my mind. Whatever this honeymoon year thing is. Its just another stupid thing that teacher is trying to tell us that. Don't think that you just finish your PMR then you can play play this year. Coz next year is SPM. Its so obvious that, the meaning of"this is not a honeymoon year" is about your facing SPM next year and you need to concentrate on your studies!!! So, those lazy ppl out there. Better get your lazy butts up right now. Coz time doesn't wait for anyone. I admit that I used to be a very lazy student. Until my PMR results wasn't satisfying enough for me myself and I. And I've been getting my lazy butt up. If I can do it. You guys can do it too!! Believe in yourself ppl!! You can push through it!! Well, I guess thats all. I have not much to write lo.Haha! Adious Amigos!!
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Currently Listening to;

If our love was a fairy tale
I would charge in and rescue you
On a yacht baby we would sail
To an island where we’d say I do
And if we had babies they would look like you
It’d be so beautiful if that came true
You don’t even know how very special you are
You leave me breathless
You're everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can't believe that you're mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you're leaving me
And if our love was a story book
I would fall deeper watching you give life
You don’t even know how very special you are
(Repeat Chorus)
You must have been sent from heaven to earth to change me
You’re like an angel
The thing that I feel is stronger than love believe me
You’re something special
I only hope that I’ll one day deserve what you’ve given me
But all I can do is try
Every day of my life
(Repeat Chrous x2)
P.S: This song is so nice! I just instantly fell in love with it! Forget about the video or anything.The thing is Shayne Ward and the song and he's voice is making me feel breathless~ HAHAHAHA!! Enjoy peeps!
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Say TAK NAK to SMOKING!!Smoking is seriously bad for you and your health.I'm seriously telling you that ppl who smoke go all nuts and cookoo.Get what i mean??? You don't just smell extremely bad but you LOOK extremely bad too!And there are really dangerous causes to smoking which are life threatening.No point while telling you ppl if you don't care.I shall show it to you.
Ppl who don't smoke looks this good..erhem..you heard me right..in fact..REEAAALLLY GOOD!
In fact, ppl who smoke looks this bad! And I mean REAAALLLLLYYY BADDD!!! iF YOU don't wanna look like her.Don't SMOKE!
And last but not least, if you do not want your lungs to look like this.Then you better not smoke.This is the cause of lung cancer!! If you wanna die becoz of this.Then you are seriously considerably an idiot and a FOOL!!!!
Ppl who don't smoke looks this good..erhem..you heard me right..in fact..REEAAALLLY GOOD!
In fact, ppl who smoke looks this bad! And I mean REAAALLLLLYYY BADDD!!! iF YOU don't wanna look like her.Don't SMOKE!
And when you smoke.You create all those bad smelling smoke out from your mouth.I'm telling you.If your trying to woo a sexy girl/boy and you have that kind of bad breath and smoky smelly breath.You ain't gonna get him/her for SURE!!!


Hope this helps a lot.Gtg now.CHoaZ PPL!!
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
How to treat your spouses??
Wanna know how to treat your spouses the right way??This is the blog that you should read.Hahaha...Nah..I'm not married yet and of course i am not an expert in these kind of things.But, as a christian.God teach me how to love others like He loves me.But of course compare our loves with God's love for us.Our's is just equals to 60% or 70% of love.God's love is always a 100% or even a 1000%.Yup, you heard me right.You know a lot of man think that when they marry they spouse's.They don't need to show that love and intimacy towards their spouse anymore.A lot of man make this big mistake.And of course it could lead to lots of arguements, disappointments, sadness and of course the worse part,DIVORCE!!! In my religion.We do not encourage divorction to happen.Coz God always gives you the right 1 to marry.Anyway, like most ppl say, money can't buy love and happiness.1st of all.You don't just treat your spouse really nice and lovely before the marriage.You have to continuesly treat them more loving and more caring each and every single day.You don't just touch and go.Marriage is a forever life commitment you know.Its not some kind of game to play.I mean giving gifts to your spouse's and giving love and intimacy is a totally different thing! Husbands, you don't go home late and expect your wives to understand why are you late without calling them or explaining it to them.She can't read your mind you know.Don't just scold her just becoz your stressed and stuff like that.Tell her why your stress la.And tell her what she needs to do la.Whether she needs to keep quiet or give you some quiet time or things like that.You do have a mouth right?Then use it la.And wives when your husbands came home late or something.Ask him gently and nicely la.Don't just when he comes home you shout at him like"Oiii!! where did you go this whole day ar??!!! no need to come home and sleep 1 ar??!! sleep outside la!!" i believe that there are some couples who do that.Shame on you!Or maybe when he looks down or upset.Give him a little bit of touch la.If not?? slap him on the face ar???Husbands, hug your wives once in a while.Coz they deserve it.By taking care of the household the children and even her own work.And last but not least.Husbands who do not know how to treat their wives.Buy her nice gifts once in a while.I mean on special occasions la of course.Then of course your wife will do the same back too.And er..man sometimes don't handle stress very well.They tend to beat their wives or even abuse their wives sometimes when their stress or they can't have what they want.You need to learn how to accept the facts.And learn how to handle your stress.Discuss it with your spouse or something.It totally helps a lot.You don't just blame your spouse's just becoz you did something wrong.Your mistakes are your own responsibilities.If you need some help.Ask your wife or talk to her.If you just beat her for no reason or get mad at her for no reason.How would she know what you want??And then you grow even more angrier.And then the last thing you know.Your wife leaves you just like that.Communitation is really really important ya know.Your like missing an oppurtunity to make this relationship more warm and lovely and more everlasting.Pls remember, money can't buy happiness and love.If you just buy things for your spouse's and not spending time with them at all, you don't expect them to be happy.It just strains the relationship more and more.And end up to a divorce.I guess this are just all my advice.My friends, when you get married.Pls becareful.Hahahaha! Especially to those newlyweds and to those that have problems with their marriage.Til the next time.I'm signing out!!
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
!~**!PrINcESs MiA!**~!
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