Thursday, April 15, 2010


LOL! I'm so so so so SORRY! for the lack of update ppl! Been lazy to update.. :P.. ANYWAY, just wanna do a little bit of sharing on my experience in NS. Don't listen to whatever that people say about it. Of course there will always be pros and cons in everything. But, what I've experienced there was more than... not enough sleep.. spicy food at ALL meals.. crazy and yet awesome trainers.. physically stressful things... I have to say that, I've grown so much there spiritually. I really praise God for sending me there and that I've obeyed Him instead of differing.

God sent awesome friends to be with me. One really inspiring fella to teach me more abt God:)).. And a sista who helped me grow closer to God in a way:).. You'd think that in less than 3 months time we wouldn't experience anything. Trust me, we've experienced more there than being out of NS for 1 whole year. I've experienced yet another heartbreak there. But quickly moved on with the grace of God as the person is never mine. Holy Spirit led me, worked in my heart and showed me whats called LUST and real&pure LOVE:).. Grew closer to God..

Brought a soul back to God:)(to God be the glory!) Went through a bit of an emotional and physical draining.. But all is GOOD. For the Lord is good and His love and mercy endures forever! Amen?? :).. So yea, that kinda sums up everything. If you want to see pics. Go to my fb profile. Coz theres more than hundreds of pic there, seriously!

Alright, back to the topic.. when it comes to 180 degree change.. whats the thing that comes to ur mind?? looks?? body size?? personality??Lol.. But mine, is definitely with the course that I am going to study..! ;) As most of you know, I am crazy about music and wanted to further my studies in it and make a career out of it (being a teacher and stuff). But, when I came back to NS.. God really changed me 180 degree celcius. Yes, I am going to take nursing. I know, shocked right? Yup, that made my parents' unable to sleep for 2 days.Especially my mum, she just couldn't accept the fact that I am going to be a nurse and not a music teacher or a musician.

I really do LOVE music. But, I just don't see myself doing it as a career for the rest of my life. Doing music is not as easy as what ppl think it is. U need more than just skills and brains. You need TALENT. Whether I have it or not now. Doesn't really matter anymore. God really touched my heart and gave me a passion for this career. My mum told me, during those sleepless nights.. God comforted her heart and spoke to her saying that this is the path that He has chosen for me. So yea, obeying it now:)...

Many relatives and friends were really shocked by this transformation. But, at the end.. They all were really sincerely happy for me.. Even more HAPPY now than before when I said that I was doing music. I guess, God really helped me work in their hearts as well. Coz, before this... When I told everybody abt it, their responses were really discouraging.. God really heard my cry.. And therefore, He took care of every1 for me. So now, going to Segi Kota Damansara to take up nursing on the 12th of june. And guess what? Its the ONLY course in Segi that is TOTALLY FULLY COVERED BY THE GOVERNMENT... which means, FULL LOAN!! PTL right?!! I know.. Even though I would have to pay them back by working in the future. At least, I don't need my parents' to work like a nut case right? Plus, I still have 2 younger brothers who are going to study soon. God is really FAITHFUL! Praise Him for His AWESOMENESS&FAITHFULNESS!! :)

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