Tuesday, April 27, 2010

His Love that brings The "One"

Was watching this Singaporean drama just now. This woman and her husband. Shes always worried that she'll look old and stuff (which she doesn't). She gets really jealous and scolds her husband like godzilla whenever her husband stares or accepts the flirt from another woman. As I was watching, I felt that partly it was really funny and partly I pity both parties for having to suffocate each other like that. HahaxD.. And then I thought and realized, I would never have problems like that in the future with my future husband. Because, the "One" in my life in the future.

Would be some1 who wouldn't let me worry abt all these things coz he is given to me from my Father in Heaven:) Whom He has chosen rightly for me and me for him =).. And then at the end of the drama. Theres this couple who hugged each other and embraced each other. I ALWAYS wanna know how it felt like to hug a man that I love. But I always know for a fact that some1 in my life have always been there hugging me through the bad and the good times:).. My Daddy in Heaven=).. When I was born as a baby, as a little girl, a woman and an old woman in the future. Until I go HOME. Hes always there to hold me tight.. And this thought made me tear.. :')

When I was a baby.. He held me close and loved me in every bit that I am.

Even when I was a little girl.. He held me at all times.

Even til' now or in the future.. I know that everytime I cry He is there to open His arms for me. His hugs, encouraging words & LOVE is all that I need to get through the day.
And 1 day, I know that He'll send the "one" into my life. But I know that He will never leave me or him. He will hug us both together in unity=).. Because of God's love. And my love to Him. I believe that I will be able to love the "one" in my life unconditionally and sincerely. As I love God more and put Him as no.1 in my life. I am able to give unconditional love to the ones around me and also to my future hubby=).. I love You Daddy.. And thank you for "him".. Even though I do not know who it will be right now. I AM THANKFUL for the THINGS TO COME! =)

"In the midst of all the ppl and the maze in the fields. I found you because God love us both that He brought us together =)"...

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