Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Needs and not Wants

Did my devotion just now. Doing my devotion on the book of acts. Read Acts Chapter 3 just now. Used the BK book of Acts that Wai Yip borrowed me. I learned a lot there. But then, I didn't felt really FILLED by the word and the spirit and decided to reread it using my Bible. Read halfway until it talked about the crippled beggar that is being placed in front of the temple called Beautiful to beg for money and stuff, then I stopped and realized something.

When the crippled beggar was begging for money(to Peter& John). Peter looked at him and said.. "Look at me!" so the beggar looked, expecting money from them. Then Peter said.. "Money I do not have.. But what I have I give you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.. WALK!".. So then the crippled beggar starting feeling a lot of strength on both of his legs.. And started walking.

You see, the beggar WANTED money to feed himself and things like that. But it was God who KNEW what the crippled beggar NEEDED. From God through Peter, the crippled beggar is HEALED! And you might ask, whats the use of his legs being healed again? The reasons are, No.1.. Isn't it good that he is able to walk like any normal human being already?.. No.2.. Since he is able to walk.. He can look for job.. No.3.. Since he can look for a job, it also means that he is able to feed himself everyday without begging for money. No.4.. He doesn't need to humiliate himself anymore by begging in front of the temple and being looked down upon by the public.

Isn't God awesome? Sometimes, we think that what we WANT is what we NEED. But very clearly, that God knows what we NEED. Our WANTS sometimes can be of evil intentions. Thats why sometimes we wonder. Why doesn't God give me this and that?? Have you ever thought that its because its not for you to own or to have at all/at this moment? Have you ever thought that what you want might harm you for the rest of you life/at this moment? I'm guessing that the answer is no right? Anyway, God knows what we NEED and therefore He gives us of what WE NEED instead of what we WANT. The WANTS and all those things will be persecuted by God to decide whether is it the right time or whether is it the right thing for us. But all in all, for sure God will give us what we NEED 1st. For sure we will be hardened, hurt and not satisfied because we do not get what we WANT. But FOCUS on what you NEED. Because, with the NEEDS that has been given to you by God can be used and will bring you to a LOOONNNGG WAY.

So yea, trust in the Lord for He knows what is BEST FOR YOU! =)

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